The New Golden Hour?
Ah, Saturday nights. Once upon a time, they were all glitter, spontaneity, and questionable life choices made under the glow of neon lights. Now? If you’re in your 35s or beyond, they’re something altogether...different. But don’t let anyone tell you they’re any less epic.
Let’s paint a picture: It’s 8:30 p.m. on a Saturday. The younger version of you might have just started pre-gaming. The current you? Maybe you’re curled up in your coziest pajamas, staring at your phone like it owes you money, debating if 9:00 p.m. is an acceptable bedtime for an adult. Sound familiar?

When Did We Become Like This?
There’s a magic transition somewhere between 30 and 35. Saturday nights morph from “Where’s the party?” to “Where’s the softest blanket?” But don’t worry! This isn’t a bad thing.
If you think Saturday nights after 35 are boring, think again:
The DIY Chef Life: You attempt a new recipe, burn half of it, and then convince yourself it’s “rustic.”
Spontaneous Self-Care: Who needs a club when you can have an impromptu face mask party? (Pro tip: Don’t answer the door with it on unless you really like your delivery guy.)
The Wild Scroll: Zillow, Amazon, or Instagram deep dives. Yes, you do need that heated cat bed even though you don’t have a cat.
Let’s Take a Poll (For Science)
How many of you still “get ready to go out” but end up ordering pizza and binge-watching crime documentaries instead?
Ever decline a night out only to spend the whole evening battling FOMO, even though you know it’s just Brad and Kelly playing Jenga again?
Do you remember when you last had the energy to stay awake past midnight on purpose?
(If you answered “yes” to all of the above, congratulations! You’re living the 35s dream.)

A Note to Our Younger Readers
To those of you in your 20s reading this and laughing at us! Oh, sweet summer children. Enjoy your gravity-defying metabolism and the ability to function on four hours of sleep while you can. But a word of advice:
You’ll one day check the ingredients of a cocktail instead of its price. (Yes, “house vodka” tastes like regret.)
Loud music will become your mortal enemy. Bars without seating? Unacceptable. And yes, you’ll ask the waiter for the wine list before even looking at the menu.
You’ll RSVP ‘yes’ to plans and then immediately start plotting your cancellation excuse.
Pro tip: “Stomach bug” never fails.
Oh, and you’ll discover the unparalleled joy of heated blankets. You’re welcome.
What’s the New “Wild”?
For some, it’s crafting the perfect cocktail at home (or let’s be honest, figuring out why your blender suddenly smells like burnt toast). For others, it’s scrolling Zillow listings for houses you can’t afford. Maybe your Saturday night looks like deep-cleaning your fridge at 11 p.m. because suddenly the state of your crisper drawer feels urgent.
Or maybe, just maybe, you still throw yourself into the occasional night out. But now, you prioritize places with ample seating, decent lighting, and a closing time that allows you to be home by 11.
Let’s Get Real
Saturday nights in your 35s aren’t about missing out; they’re about opting in to whatever makes you happiest. Maybe it’s a quiet evening with wine and a good book. Maybe it’s a random late-night Target run that turns into a philosophical debate over which candle smells like “cozy winter.”
So, let’s flip the script. Instead of asking “Am I boring now?”, try asking:
“Am I cozy and thriving?”
“Did I nail my grocery haul for tomorrow’s breakfast?”
“Is there anyone cooler than me in these sweatpants?” (Spoiler: There isn’t.)

Reader Challenge
What’s the wildest thing you’ve done on a Saturday night recently? (Did you organize your spice rack alphabetically? Try a new recipe and burn it? Surprise yourself by staying up until gasp 11:30?)
What’s your ultimate Saturday night comfort food? (We need ideas, and we know you have good ones.)
If you could give your 20-year-old self one piece of Saturday night advice, what would it be?
Final Thought
Saturday nights after 35 aren’t boring. They’re customized. They’re proof that growing older doesn’t mean growing dull. It means you’ve finally figured out how to spend your time in ways that make you happy. Whether that’s clubbing, crafting, or just conking out, your Saturday night is valid, and it’s yours to enjoy however you please.
So, how are you spending this Saturday? (asked in her pajamas on the sofa)
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This was great...I like the last Sunday of the year as well...personally I'm a night person!!! And can binge on food!, web sites like Amazon, Etsy, or eBay, and can stream asian movies all day!!!